Farmer Focus: Making Organic Mean More

There are a lot of Overused food labels out there, But only one name that supports independent Farmers.


Anyone who’s seen a food documentary in the last decade knows that factory farming and food corporations have created a food supply chain that is less healthy, less humane and less sustainable for everyone. And while many people who pay extra for certified organic foods, many are missing out on a chance to make a bigger impact. By buying Farmer Focus organic chicken, we can also support independent farmers who exceed all the humane standards and contribute to a healthier and sustainable food system. One that takes the decision-making power out of corporate board rooms and puts it back in the hands of those who know what they are really doing. Farmers.

Farmer Focus organic chicken is also 100% traceable back to the independent farmer who raised it, so for this campaign we went back to the source. We traveled to the Shenandoah Valley, home of Farmer Focus, to tell the true stories of three FF farmers and show how each of them make “organic” mean more.


Let Your InDIE Farmer Flag Fly


To rally support for Farmer Focus and independent farming, we designed a flag concept and canvas tote bags. Each new independent farmer who signs on with Farmer Focus receives a flag to hang high on their farm.



Midwest Addy’s - Silver - Cinematography


Agency: Curiosity
Copywriter (CD): Pam Fraser
Director: Paul Stone
Still Photographer: Richard Schultz