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Just Curious:
A therapeutic Game of Burning questions


2020 was a rough year on many levels, but one of the things that hit hardest was the isolation and loneliness that came from a year of social distance. So, as an agency that prides itself on asking the right questions (and a lot of them), we thought the best 2020 holiday gift we could give our clients, industry colleagues, and social followers was the gift of human connection through playful interrogation.

In December 2020, we introduced our professional network to Just Curious, a game inspired by current gaming trends and designed solely by us. The game was given to our clients but also donated to local Cincinnati small businesses for sale during the holiday season, with all proceeds going directly to those businesses.

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Press & Awards

2020 ADDY (Local)
2020 ADDY (Regional - Midwest)


Creative Director


Agency: Curiosity
Senior Designer: Andy Millard
Art Director: Jillian Kavinsky
Copywriter: Christian Jaekle